Upcoming Events

Sunday Services

We are currently holding 2 services each Sunday. Join us at 9 & 11 a.m. for worship & teaching from the Bible!

April Team Hills

This is our once a month gathering for those who serve in any capacity at the church and call Hills their church-home.

April Discipleship Communities

Every month, small groups that meet Wednesday & Thursday evenings gather together at Hills to worship and hear teaching from the Bible topic they will be discussing throughout the month. Food and childcare are provided. Parent’s, please register your children for the event @ hills.ourmember.app so we can provide adequate childcare help.

Easter Service

Come join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection this Easter Sunday!

Spring Party

As the college semester is wrapping up & summer is getting closer, Hills will be hosting an all-church Spring Party on April 27th. It will take place at Kruegel Park in Pullman after our 11 a.m. Sunday service from 12:30-2:30PM. We will be providing food, fun games, and prizes for winners.

May Team Hills

This is our once a month gathering for those who serve in any capacity at the church and call Hills their church-home.

May Discipleship Communities

Every month, small groups that meet Wednesday & Thursday evenings gather together at Hills to worship and hear teaching from the Bible topic they will be discussing throughout the month. Food and childcare are provided. Parent’s, please register your children for the event @ hills.ourmember.app so we can provide adequate childcare help.