Our Services
Join us each Sunday at 9 & 11 a.m.
What to Expect
We gather at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings in downtown Pullman. We know that going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience with many questions. To help ease your visit, here are a few things that will be helpful to know.
Our Address: 125 SE Spring St, Pullman, WA 99163. Hills meets in the upstairs gathering spaces of The Bell Tower Building. Restrooms are downstairs, as well as Roost Coffee and Foundry restaurant.
Parking: Feel free to park in any available spot along Spring Street and in any open parking spaces we share with Roost and Foundry right behind our building. Parking can be a little challenging downtown, we have a parking team each Sunday morning (guys and gals holding parking wands) to help guide you to potential free and open spots.
Before Service
The main entrance to Hills is through two large red doors on the corner of Main Street and Spring Street. You will see a sign to help direct you, and a greeter will welcome you in. Help yourself to free coffee, tea, or donuts when you walk in. Feel free to find a seat in our auditorium and the service will begin shortly. You can choose to sit on our main auditorium level, or access our balcony seating from our main entrance foyer staircase.
If you have children that you’d like to check into our Kids Program, our side entrance on Spring Street(smaller red double doors) has a quicker route to our Kids Check-in area. A host will greet you once you’re there and help your children get registered and checked in. Our Kid’s Program will be available at both services. The Youth program now meets Sunday evenings at the building from 6-7:15 p.m. (more info below).
During Service
To begin each service, our worship team will make their way up to the stage and lead us in 3-4 songs of worship to God. The worship music is current, ranging from hymns to contemporary worship songs. At Hills, the worship is aimed at reverence and awe of God, with a focus on Jesus’ goodness and work for us on the cross and out of the tomb.
Bible Teaching
After worship, one of the pastors will welcome the church and give share some brief announcements. Then he will teach from the Bible (we preach from the English Standard Version). We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; therefore, we teach it as it is, rather than teaching our own opinion. We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is clear and understandable to all, regardless of church experience. Sometimes, we take a few months to preach through entire books of the bible, and other months we are preaching in a topical expository fashion on specific areas of discipleship. We hope that you leave challenged and equipped to apply the Bible to your life.
After Service
Each service lasts about an hour and a half. Once it ends, feel free to hang around and meet people afterward if you would like. For parents, please pick up your kids within 10 minutes of the service ending.
Kids' Program and Kids' Curriculum
(AVAILABLE @ 9 & 11 A.M.)
We want your kids to have the same experience our adults would have at Hills - but in a way that is fun, relevant, and easy for them to understand. You are welcome to keep your child with you when visiting Hills, but we also wanted to create an encouraging place where they could learn about Jesus with other children if you desired to have them participate.
At Hills, we believe Jesus has called us to cultivate a community of kids who know and experience God in a real, living, and active way. Our program is designed to help kids follow Jesus in a safe, fun environment, and to build strong friendships with others. All of our kids program workers are well trained and trusted by our staff, as well as background checked for your safety and the safety of our children. It’s very important to us that you feel safe dropping your child off in our care.
We know that families play the most important role in the discipleship of children, and we want to be a place where families can learn, grow, and find encouragement.
Youth Program
(Sunday evenings from 6-7:15 pm.)
Our middle schoolers and high schoolers have transitioned to a Sunday evening gathering to better use our facilities and make room for our growing youth program. On Sunday mornings, they are welcome to join the church for worship/teaching/prayer at one of our regular services. Sunday evenings, they're invited to gather with our youth leaders in our auditorium, kids. or youth space for games, bible teaching, time for friendship, and prayer.